Supervised Machine Learning for Beginners

Welcome. You are in the right place if you are just starting your journey learning Machine Learning. I found my very old notes / cheat sheet about Supervised Machine Learning for beginners when I started learning ML a long time ago. Here is the link to a high resolution pdf if you are interested.

A little primer to Supervised Machine Learning follows. Read my attached original notes for details

Supervised Learning is a field of Machine Learning that learns from examples / known outputs y and is then able to predict y from other newer values of x
Linear Regression Classification
Algo predicts an output value y from infinite possible values for a given input xDefinition : Algo predicts finite outputs / categories for a given input
Model function : 
f(x) = wx +b
Is basically a function for straight line
Model function for Logistic Regression : 
f(x) = g(z) = 1/ (1 + e-z )
Is a function describing a sigmoid 
Graph of the function
Graph of Sigmoid function

Convex plot of Cost function
Supervised Machine Learning handwritten cheat sheet

Now that you have notes on Supervised Machine Learning for beginners, other foundational ML topic you may be interested in is Null and Alternate Hypothesis. Happy reading !

Published by

Mrukant Popat

Thank you for visiting my blog. I am an Engineering leader working in tech for about two decades now. A lot of work on AI / ML, Embedded Systems, Linux kernel, firmware, application software, Backend / server side, web and mobile. I have experience working on both client and server side architectures end-to-end. I like to read and write on OS (operating systems), Linux kernel and AI / ML. Most of my blogs are related to these technologies applied to various verticals where I have worked like media ( Audio / Video ), Automotive, SDWAN, IoT and Robotics. Thanks again and please provide your feedback in the form of comments.

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